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Stress Reduction Strategies

1. Stress and its causes

Stress is a normal physiological and behavioral response to something that has happened or is about to happen that makes us feel threatened or that in some way upsets our balance. When we feel in real or imagined danger, the body's defenses react quickly, in an automatic process known as the "fight or flight" or "freeze" reaction, the stress response. Initially, stress can be positive, however, beyond a certain level, it ceases to be beneficial and begins to seriously harm health, altering mood, productivity, relationships and quality of life in general. These are the different phases of stress (see below, eustress and distress).

Identifying the causes of stress is an important way to prepare ourselves better to combat it. Stress-inducing situations and pressures are known as stressors .Generally, we see stress as something negative that happens to us: like a tiring work schedule or a complicated relationship. However, positive events, such as getting married, buying a house, going to college, or even receiving a promotion can also be at its origin. Obviously, stress is not caused solely by external factors. It can be self-generated, for example, when we worry excessively about something that may or may not happen, pessimistic thoughts about life, this can also be a source of stress. The causes of stress also depend on our perception of it. Something that is stressful for one person may not be stressful for another.

2. Negative effects of stress.

In Our bodies

The effects of stress on the body are great alerts (or they can even be invitations) to reevaluate the way we are living.Stress is one of the great ills of today's society.In addition to interpersonal relationships, which are known to be challenging, work, constant stimulation from the media and social networks, and the fast pace of life are the biggest causes of this problem.Although we don't always have control of all the aspects that make up our life, we can choose what makes us crazy or not.If we make the wrong choice, we tend to be overwhelmed by stress until it becomes chronic.Stress not only affects the emotional, as we already know, but it also brings several damages to the body.

Stressed people tend to become aware of how stressed they really are only when the physical starts to be affected. It is common for them to ignore emotional symptoms because they are seen as weakness, disrespecting their own limitations until they end up in the hospital. It is no wonder that Burnout Syndrome, or occupational stress, has become increasingly common in our society. Although unfavorable working conditions contribute to stress in the corporate environment, workaholic employees are more likely to develop the syndrome. That is, we need to be aware of our habits, as they can play a big role behind the stress we feel. Check out some of the effects of stress on the body below:

Migraine; Chest pain or tachycardia; Fatigue; Stomach ache; Nausea; Cold; Diarrhea; tremors in the body; Trouble sleeping; Skin allergies (redness); Reduced sexual libido; Dry mouth; Tensioned jaw. Ultimately, when stress levels in the body are extremely high, high or low blood pressure can cause sudden illness. Another big concern you should have is the hormone cortisol, responsible for controlling stress. When in high levels, it affects the immune system, lowering the body's immunity. Thus, we are more vulnerable to diseases and infections.

our immune systems

According to scientific studies, the problem affects the immune system and makes the body more susceptible to diseases, but according to immunologist Antonio Condino Neto, the causes are still under investigation: “A well-known one is chronic exposure to excess cortisol and adrenaline., mediators known to be linked to stress, which inhibit cells of the immune system.”Cortisol is a hormone that inhibits the body's defense system, in addition to being related to cardiovascular complications.With constant stress, the body starts to produce it in large quantities, causing the body to relax its defenses.The consequence is the difficulty of the immune system response.

To reduce stress and increase the protection of the body, it is necessary to seek psychotherapeutic help to treat the problem and implement a series of changes in habits: “Sleep well, avoid smoking, alcohol and drugs, eat a balanced diet and do physical activities”, indicates the immunologist.But in addition to stress, there are other psychological factors that can harm the immune system.“The classic river of modern times: anxiety, anxiety and depression”, says Condino Neto.He recommends seeking medical, spiritual, religious or other support with which the patient can be identified, for a better quality of life.

The cost of doing business

A stressful work environment can be extremely harmful to the health of employees and to the productivity of the company. Overwork, relationship problems, inadequate or excessive charges are some of the factors that trigger stress in the daily work of organizations.

If not diagnosed and tackled, this situation can compromise not only the company's competitiveness, but also generate costs with absences and health care.

In your company, are the conditions that can generate stress under control? Are there initiatives to prevent it? Do you know what the risk factors are? If you believe that the situation is not so safe, check out the causes of stress at work and how to fight it!

Causes of stress at work

The exacerbated competitiveness and the unbridled search for results create an environment conducive to the occurrence of stress at work. And several factors contribute to aggravating it, such as competition between professionals, which can compromise the relationship between employees.

In the same way, technology, which contributes so much to increasing competitiveness, can also keep employees in a constant state of alert and with difficulties to get rid of office issues. And this can be another trigger in the process of exhaustion, typical of stressful situations.

To discover the main causes of stress at work, a project management company called Wrike interviewed 1,400 professionals from different countries. Among the problems that most stressed respondents in the survey were: communication difficulties, overwork, unrealistic goals and confused leadership.

Wellness action plan.

How to deal with stressful thoughts more productively

Stress, in most cases, is stimulated by our own behavior and attitude towards life events. Who is in control of your emotions, thoughts and reactions to the world is only you. That is, you hold the power to determine the type of situation that causes stress.

For example, someone hits your car in traffic. The impact wasn't hard or enough to hurt him, but it dented a good part of the back of the vehicle. You can get out of the car and yell angrily at the other driver, or you can take a softer, more rational attitude, talking to the driver calmly because the worst is over.

Do you agree that the latter posture is less likely to upset your emotional state?

Being kind and compassionate to phenomena that are weak or not affected by others, yes, significant for a healthier attitude towards the life of phenomena. That way, you can manage stress more efficiently.

To kick-start that attitude shift, we've put together powerful strategies to help you stay on top of your stress.

Behaviors/actions that can reduce stress

Practice physical activities Physical exercises help fight stress, as during practice, the body releases endorphins, a substance that helps to reduce this condition, as well as anxiety, resulting in a feeling of well-being.

Added to this, during physical activities, your focus will be on each action you are performing, which helps to “clear your mind” and reduce everyday stress.

do breathing exercises Breathing control is key to reducing stress. The advantage of this practice is that it can be performed anywhere.

In this way, simple exercises such as concentrating on breathing, or even filling the lungs, holding the air for a few seconds and exhaling slowly already bring good results.

Give yourself moments of pleasure Having pleasant moments of self-care are essential when trying to reduce stress. Listen to your favorite music, take a relaxing bath, prepare your favorite food or watch a good movie. There are countless ways to have moments of pleasure and “disconnect” a little from the problems.

Have “Exhaust Valves” Journaling, going to therapy, talking to loved ones are also other good ways to reduce stress. Here, the purpose is to have some healthy “escape valve” when you feel that stressful situations are taking a toll on your life and health.

Accept situations that are out of your control. Stress can also be caused by ourselves, for example, when we seek to change or control a situation that it is not up to us to change. In this case, it is best to accept them rather than stressing out trying to change something that is beyond your capabilities, however difficult it may be.

acquire good habits Drinking more water, sleeping better, maintaining a healthy diet, not smoking and not consuming alcohol in excess, are some examples of habits that also help to reduce stress, as they promote the balance of your body in general.

Manage your time better Excessive daily tasks is another triggering factor for stress. Having an agenda and writing down all your appointments helps you manage your time better and, with that, reduce stress.

In addition, it is also very important that you learn to say no. If you allow yourself not to take on more responsibilities than you can handle, you will improve your health in many ways, as well as bring you a better quality of life.

Self-care strategies

Our mental has never been as recognized as it is today.If before the epidemic, Brazil was one of the world leaders in numbers of mental disorders, with the characteristics of the epidemic, the situation is much more worrying.

The expressive number of patients and deaths, social isolation and high companies for mental health are a high risk.With this, several mental disorders can occur and after the epidemic, such as increased disorders, aggressive behavior disorders, alcohol and other substance abuse, student bereavement, depression, anxiety disorders, general fear, adjustment disorders and post-traumatic stress.

These mental disorders arise when the coping mechanism is insufficient and an inability to adapt occurs. The mental health professional, such as a naturologist, psychologist, and psychiatrist, will assess whether the manifestations are an understandable and transient response to the traumatic experience or indicators that they are transitioning to a pathological condition.

The criteria used to determine whether an emotional reaction considered to be expected is becoming symptomatic and will need to be referred for treatment are: persistent symptoms; intense suffering; associated complications (eg, suicidal behavior); significant impairment of social and daily functioning; and profound difficulties in family, social or professional life;

One of the main ways to prevent these mental disorders is daily self-care activities. The fundamental principle of self-care is that we are the center of any change in our lives and in our health. We are the person who most knows our own situation, we know what we need to feel good, what helps or hinders us in the processes of change.

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