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Team Charter Design

Updated: May 31, 2022

Team charter is a preliminary statement of the scope, objectives and stakeholders of a given project. It includes outlining responsibilities, identifying key stakeholders, defining key objectives, and most importantly, establishing the authority of the project manager. Based on this statement all the strategic, tactical and operational planning of a project can be monitored and executed so that errors are minimized, giving even greater margin of accuracy for the success of the project, in addition, it aims to keep the team aligned with the project's focus, formalizing the main work definitions through schedule, scope and goal.

Team Context

Make sure everyone understands how the team fits into the bigger picture.

  • Who’s the team accountable to?

  • With what other groups/teams do we connect? What do they want/need from us?

  • What are our differentiators? What defines and sets apart our group?

  • What links exist between our group and others? How solid are those ties? How will our team interact with other groups?

Team Goals

Clarify the group’s output, tasks, or concrete contributions. Consider:

  • What specific results do we expect from our team’s efforts?

  • What outcomes do we want? (This may be in terms of cost, quality, speed, service, quantity, coordination, innovation, etc.)

  • How can we measure those outcomes?

Team Roles

A group doesn’t exist without boundaries. Who is included on the team and who isn’t? How might this change over time?

  • Who’s on the team? What perspective does each member bring?

  • Are there special roles (e.g., leader, facilitator, etc.) on the team?

  • Are there key sub-groups within the team? What do the subgroups do or require?

Team Work Processes

Nail down workflows and expectations. How will the team share information, deliberate, and decide things?

  • What processes will we use to do the team’s work? (List them out, step by step.)

  • What expectations do we have around how we work and what we do?

  • How often will we meet?

  • Who determines and manages our agenda?

  • How will we connect with our stakeholders and other sponsors of our work?

Team Decision-Making

  • What decisions are made within this team?

  • What’s out of bounds?

  • What level of decision-making responsibility do we have?

  • What decision process will we use?

  • How will we communicate with each other and connect to others within the organization?

Team Norms

  • What do we expect of each other?

  • How do we agree to handle conflict?

  • What are our team norms and/or operating principles?

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