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Managing and maintaining files and records

Updated: Aug 24, 2021

1) Managing physical records:

  • How to prepare physical records for storage

1. Classification systems : A good classification scheme is essential for organized physical and electronic records, and makes for easier filing, retrieval and archiving. Learn how to create a classification scheme based on business activities, as well as common ways of grouping records by clearly identifying all information.

2. Centralized file collections : Bringing small files together into one large collection improves user efficiency, space utilization, security and legal compliance. The impact is especially profound on living records, such as contracts.

3. File tracking systems : File tracking software is the quickest, simplest and most efficient way to improve your access to information and shorten retrieval times. We also discuss the important role of barcodes.

4. Standardized folders and labels : Standardizing your file folders and labeling systems makes finding and organizing information much quicker. We show you how color recognition enhances easy file retrieval and access, and explain how leveraging folder and label costs eliminates the need for pull out drawers and can further reduce your costs.

5. Space optimization : Store more records in less space by reducing the volume of material maintained storing materials more efficiently

6. Getting ready for digital : If you organize your physical files, you’ll save money and time when you move to an electronic format.

Read about the filing systems described on pages 383-391 of your textbook. Then, explain the advantages and disadvantages of each system in your own words.

Advantages of Alphabetic filling systems : Locate the proper file drawer by reading the drawer labels. Search through the guides in the drawer to locate the needed section of the files. Place records in an individiual folder according to date, with the most recent date in front. Arrange records in a general folder alphabetically by filing segments. Never allow folders to become overcrowded.

Disadvantages of Alphabetical Filing: More misfiling occurrences than in numerical systems. Name changes can cause problems with retrieval. It becomes inefficient and cumbersome in large systems. Unauthorized persons can easily find records.

Advantages of numeric filing : Accuracy, unlimited expansion, and the opportunity for unlimited cross-referencing are among the advantages for numeric filing. Since numbers can be used to identify the name or subject when calling for correspondence, there is an element of confidentiality when using a numeric system. Disadvantages of numeric filing: It requires much time in referring to the index and locating the specified file. This system is costly. The reason is that there is a need of separate index for them. There may be mental transpositions of figures. It is very difficult to arrange the files of miscellaneous papers.

  • Recommend one of the filing systems you analyzed and explain why you chose it.

I would recommend the alphabetic filing system. This classification is very simple to understand and operate. The first letter of the name is taken into account for classification. It is strictly adhered to the manner in such a way that a dictionary is printed. On this basis, the letters and folders containing letters from various communications are arranged according to the first letter of the name with which communication begins. If more than one communication begins with the same name, the arrangement takes into account the subsequent letters also.

2) Managing electronic records:

How to organize electronic records: Centrally locate records in share drives. Do not store records on your computer's hard drive or personal drives. Assign Records Schedules to your folders. Use a hierarchical folder structure. Minimize the depth of the folder path. Separate supplemental materials. File copies.

Read about the electronic filing system methods described on pages 395-396 of your textbook. Then, explain the advantages and disadvantages of each system listed in your own words.

Magnetic media advantages : Probably the cheapest form of storage per megabyte of storage. Can store large amounts of data - up to 1 Terabyte per tape cartridge.Can be set up to do the back up overnight or over the weekend.

Magnetic media disadvantages : Serial access so can be quite slow to access data. Need a special piece of equipment to record and read the data on the tape. The data may be corrupted if the tape is placed near a strong magnetic field e.g. a large speaker or magnet.

Flash drives and Memory Cards advantages:  are reliable as they have not moving parts (unlike a hard disk), They are easily branded on their cover to reflect the organization, and they are not affected by the magnetic fields (unlike magnetic tape). Memory cards are solid-state media, They are free from mechanical difficulties or damages, They are small, light, and compact with high storage capacity, and they require less amount of power. Memory cards are highly portable, They can be used in small, lightweight, and low-power devices easily, They do not produce any noise while working, and they allow more immediate access.

Flash drives and Memory Cards disadvantages : Memory Cards can break easily, They can be lost, misplaced or smashed easily, They can be affected by electronic corruption, and they make the entire card unreadable, They are more expensive than CD or DVD, The metal part can be snapped off or damaged if they are handled roughly.

Optical Disks advantages: Large storage capacity, easy to access, easy to carry, big storage capacity.

The disadvantages for optical disks: need protective jackets or cases, get scratched easily, get dirty easily, needs a place with a special temperature as extreme heat may damage the disks and make the disk unreadable.

  • Recommend one filing system for these records and explain why you chose it.

My recommendation is to use electronic records, because the file will be stored in the database and it can be easily accessed at anytime and anywhere using a computer, digital camera or phone. USB drive and CDs or DVDs require special care to not scratched or lose it, it can be challenge to handle considering the urge while working, always on the go and in a hurry, definitely will get lost or scratched.

  • How to back up records

You can get a copy of the original data using backup copies, this data will be copied onto a different disk or drive, in case the data get lost or destroyed, backup copies should be stored in a separate and safe location.

  • How to secure records

Regularly back up your files. This should be a no-brainer, but it's a step many people overlook. Use an external hard drive. Use cloud storage. Have user controls. Encrypt your hard drive.

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